Sunday, April 5, 2009

The End of the World

No, not the album by The Real Tuesday Weld. (But I AM listening to it as I write this. :) )
I'm talking about December 21, 2012.

After hearing a friend mention the date, I remembered a history class discussion from nearly four years ago where we talked about the Mayan prediction of the end of the world, set on our calendar's equivalent of December 21st 2012. The thing that made it most frightening was not that it would occur during our lifetimes, it was that the Mayans were seldom wrong in their celestial predictions. Will the world really end in a flurry of volcanic, oceanic, astral tumult and end human, plant and animal life as we know it?

...I don't think so.

And even if it does, Nicolas Cage will save the race by allowing his son to leave with the angel aliens!

(Good GOD. Knowing was slightly disturbing.)

Oh, and survivalists? That was the day predicted for the beginning of the new Mayan calendar. No disastrous end was foretold. And one more thing before I finish this blog up...Um, if it really were the end of the world, or at least the date on which natural disasters would destroy most of the livable space and pretty much all the people on this earth, wouldn't you kind of want to die? Just a thought...;)

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