Friday, March 7, 2008

Hello, Kitten, I'll Mail You to Japan!

Hello, pixels. I'm starting a blog and maybe I'll be able to keep it going. Who knows? I might actually commit to something. Let's see. It's 1:40 on a Friday night. Ainsi. I suppose I have no life. :)

School's been a bortch. It's just kinda sucky at this moment...English, French, Band, and Art are alright, I suppose, but Math, Chemistry, and History range from "Ugh" to "Hello, and Welcome to Hell. :)" I love how I only care about four subjects and two of them aren't even important academically. It'd be nice to be smart. Or to be committed to things I even dislike. It'd also be nice to have some sort of maturity attached to my childish character. I mean, I'm in my sophomore year of high school. I've never felt more like an infant. It's horrifying to think about leaving home in two years. Almost for good. Like, I couldn't await anything else with more anticipation. But it's really one of those things like...liiiiike...Um...It's like a child's first roller coaster ride. You're scared as hell but you really wanna go on.

Dear GOD, I'm SO sleepy. Why am I still awake...?


I suppose this is sort of amusing. ...In an odd vain way. Because it's pretty much just me talking to myself.

Okay, thank you very much, Blogspot, but I think it's rather obvious now that you'll save all my drafts automatically. You don't need to have that litt--I'd claim to digress, but I wasn't really on a definite subject, so I'll just stop talking. :)

'Night, blog! Keep warm!