Sunday, March 23, 2008

Holy FISH! Outta Mans!

Well, in a previous post, I set these goals for myself to accomplish over Spring Break.

1.) Work on my English Poetry Evaluation...Thing.
2.) Finish Painting Ainslee's Shoes.
3.) Finish my Paper Mache hand.
4.) Finish up all the Driver's Ed crap I never did.
5.) Fix the PS2/Gamecube/Game Cabinet.
6.) Read at least three books.
7.)Work on developing a language and begin recording words on paper.
8.) SLEEP.

Out of these eight, I accompliiiiished...

2.55 of them. :

I got a ton farther with Ainslee's shoes, started working on Driver's Ed crap and didn't get far, I fixed the game cabinet, and slept. :


Shoes = +.5
Driver's Ed crap = +.05
Cabinet = +1
Sleep = +1


Friday, March 14, 2008

You Know What?

You know what? Lists are FUN.

Churra! Shurrha! Sharretugt!

I think I should write my own language. It'd be a ton of fuuun. :D And I want cereal now? Whatever. I don't need cereal.

Well, today was the last day of school, and my friends and I are officially on break. :D Today was kinda awesome...There wasn't really that much to do and classes were short and there was chalk to draw on the ground with. And some girl took a picture of what I drew and put it as her phone background and it made me like, crazyhappy. :D

Let's see. I need to establish tasks for myself so I don't waste this break. I need to:

1.) Work on my English Poetry Evaluation...Thing.
2.) Finish Painting Ainslee's Shoes.
3.) Finish my Paper Mache hand.
4.) Finish up all the Driver's Ed crap I never did.
5.) Fix the PS2/Gamecube/Game Cabinet.
6.) Read at least three books.
7.) Work on developing a language and begin recording words on paper.
8.) SLEEP.

Let's see. Funny things that happened worth mentioning.

1.) Chaplain walking in on my friends and I during the library while one of my friends was like, toppled on the floor.
2.) My French teacher sitting by himself in the hallway eating his lunch off his lap.
3.) My English teacher conspiring against me because she was a member of the opposite school team.

What else...Alright. Things that made me happy.

1.) I got a 96 on my timed writing for English and it raised my average a tiny bit.
2.) I got a 93 on my math test and it raised me five points to an 80.
3.) I got a 100 on a notebook check for history.
4.) I was finally able to play a certain part of a certain song in band.
5.) I got to draw with CHALK!
6.) I did a nice job on my hair in art. I drew the hair nicely, I mean. :D
7.) Classes were shortened.
8.) We watched a movie in French.
9.) We got to eat boxed lunches on the ground. And while the lunches sucked, it's still an awful lot of fun eating food from out of a box while sitting and laughing with friends in pleasant weather.
10.) Despite getting merely three hours of sleep, I wasn't tired. :D
11.) I got to begin La Misanthrope.
12.) I got to sit with friends in the library, which was actually QUIET for once because everyone was outside competing for team points.

Today was really just sorta good. :D A--OHCRAP. I need to scan something and send it to my english teacher for extra credit! Bye!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy little Birdy Birds, sitting on a wire. They were ALL eaten.

I've REALLY been into showtunes recently. ...For some ODD reason. I'm not sure why, but it's just been like, "OMFGJAZZHANDS."

Just thought everyone, and "everyone" including solely myself and some drunken pixels, might wanna know that.

Let's see. School. It's the last week before Spring Break, so that's kinda nice...Not that I'm doing anything. I'll just stay here and learn to throw a net. And go to the #&@^%$ing beach. And a test on Wednesday, and a ton of random crap for history, and that monkey of a bug on my back for not having a coiten grade in that coiten history class, and that coiten being a result of my need to use a Joisey accent on some words. I REALLY should work on something. But I'm blogging! WOOOOOOOOOper. Is a pokemon. A really stoned looking one. And it only gets higher as it evolves. ...Porkley. :) Back to school. Um...It's okay, my art grade probably went down...Which sucks 'cause it was my highest one. : And I'm just procrastinating because I don't wanna do homework. :)

It's been RAINING. And it's been LOVELY, thank you very much. As miserable as I may be the rain will make smile.

Anyone else ever get the urge to cut off huge chunks of hair off their heads? Because I've been wanting to do that for a LONG while. And I'm warm. And it's because of this jacket I'm wearing made for like, subzero temperatures. But I love it because of its pockets. GRAMMA', FOO'!


Friday, March 7, 2008

Hello, Kitten, I'll Mail You to Japan!

Hello, pixels. I'm starting a blog and maybe I'll be able to keep it going. Who knows? I might actually commit to something. Let's see. It's 1:40 on a Friday night. Ainsi. I suppose I have no life. :)

School's been a bortch. It's just kinda sucky at this moment...English, French, Band, and Art are alright, I suppose, but Math, Chemistry, and History range from "Ugh" to "Hello, and Welcome to Hell. :)" I love how I only care about four subjects and two of them aren't even important academically. It'd be nice to be smart. Or to be committed to things I even dislike. It'd also be nice to have some sort of maturity attached to my childish character. I mean, I'm in my sophomore year of high school. I've never felt more like an infant. It's horrifying to think about leaving home in two years. Almost for good. Like, I couldn't await anything else with more anticipation. But it's really one of those things like...liiiiike...Um...It's like a child's first roller coaster ride. You're scared as hell but you really wanna go on.

Dear GOD, I'm SO sleepy. Why am I still awake...?


I suppose this is sort of amusing. ...In an odd vain way. Because it's pretty much just me talking to myself.

Okay, thank you very much, Blogspot, but I think it's rather obvious now that you'll save all my drafts automatically. You don't need to have that litt--I'd claim to digress, but I wasn't really on a definite subject, so I'll just stop talking. :)

'Night, blog! Keep warm!