Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thing I Have Realized #2

Nothing is large in any way. Everything is comprised of smaller units and you can tackle a large thing by getting through it in small increments or by destroying smaller factions.

Thing I Have Realized #1

Everything is flawed to some degree, so don't feel bad about not being perfect. Perfection does not and never has existed.

Insomnia and Edith Edith Edith

I can't stop listening to Edith Piaf songs. Je les aime beauCOUUUP.

Anyway. I'm reading about the effects of Ambien at the moment and finding the results of my search HILARIOUS. Here:

I've sleepwalked three times in my life. The first time happened when I was maybe like...I dunno, 10? I was asleep in my mom's bed and I was fully aware of my actions but unable to control any of them, and as I watched myself in a sort of calm euphoria, my arm knocked everything off the nightstand, books, glass of water, papers, lamp, and I realized I was sleepwalking. Odd, right?

The other two times occurred last year and the year before that. One of those times, I woke up, took a seat in the bathtub completely clothed, and turned on the spigot. I left it on for a few minutes before curling up in the wet and falling back asleep. The second and more recent of these sleepwalking episodes occurred at about four AM on a Thursday night as I climbed out of bed, took off my shirt, put it in the hamper, put on a dirty shirt, emptied my hamper, and clambered inside. I woke up unable to feel my feet or arms. It was kind of awful.

I also have sleepover incidents. Apparently, I will wake (or I used to wake) in the middle of the night, sit up in my sleeping bag, look around with really wide eyes, open my mouth as if to speak and then lie back down and go to sleep. I've also been told I talk and sing and hum in my sleep. I wonder what I say?